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Tae Parvit

It was June in 2018. When I was browsing one of the coolest art galleries in Bangkok, Bangkok CityCity Gallery's website, I encountered Tae Parvit, a Bangkok-based creator & artist. His works grabbed my heart, literally in a moment. Since then, I am one of the big fun of him. Luckily, a friend of mine in Bangkok connected me to the CityCity Gallery in September 2019, I met him in Bangkok. He is a very friendly, polite, and very creative talented young gentleman, and his ways of expression vary from drawing and paintings to sculptures and video installations. One of his creative turning points was painting murals in Melbourne, Australia when he was a graphic design student there. His intuitive and improvisational expression, bold brushstrokes, and body movements were inspired by mural arts. And remarkable things of his paintings are colors and strokes that express sensitivity and boldness, strong and fragile, Ironic and wit. Having an opportunity to introduce Tae Parvit in public in Japan was one of my dreams. I am so pleased to show his works this time. (Curated by Junko Sasanuki)


Tae Parvit

Tae Parvit. b. 1993, Bangkok, Thailand

Tae Parvit was a student of graphic design in Melbourne, he immersed himself with street culture and engaged with mural public art in the city, at which point encouraging his sensitivity and improvising skills. Parvit started making digital drawings of his iconic human figures and flower vases, demonstrating the intuitive drawings and expressive brushstrokes as his self-evident merit opening for variants of accidental formation. Moving to Bangkok in 2015, he continued practicing his self-taught methods of drawing, painting, and illustrations to reconfigure into diverse platforms, sculptural video installation, live performance, and zines. In 2018, he co-founded “Interesting Pictures”, a self-publishing collective dealing with contemporary topics.

Through the series of his works, Parvit has pulled wide-ranging references from his surroundings and delved into intimate memories and remnants. Moving forward to the near future, he aims to traverse the boundaries of art and fused them into interpretative artwork of life.

Solo Exhibitions:
2020 Feeling Towards the Sun, Bangkok CityCity Gallery, Bangkok, TH
2019 Savage Garden, Pon Ding, Taipei, TW
2018 Afternoon Person, Bangkok CityCity Gallery, TH
2017 Mnus’ychati, Speedy Grandma, Bangkok, TH
2016 Awkward Relationship, Jam Café, Bangkok, TH


Soulmate, 2018 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic on linen 200 x 150 x 5 cm

Nice Day, 2018 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic and oil stick on linen 160 x 120 x 5 cm

huahin#1 (Cool Shape), 2019 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic and charcoal on linen 150 x 200 x 4.5 cm

Don't Let Go, 2018 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic and charcoal on linen 90 x 70 x 5 cm

Whatever up to You, 2018 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic and pencil on linen 90 x 70 x 5 cm

Muscle & Nerves #2, 2019 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic, graphite, marker, offset print, paper, wood frame, aluminum frame  Tae Parvit, Savage Garden 野人花園, October 10–November 11, 2019, 朋 丁 pon ding, Taipei, TW

Vitamin C #1, 2019 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic, graphite, marker, offset print, photocopy, paper 55.9 x 38 x 2.7 cm Tae Parvit, Savage Garden 野人花園, October 10–November 11, 2019, 朋 丁 pon ding, Taipei, TW

Everybody , 2019 ©️Tae Parvit Graphite, paper and aluminum frame 66 x 90 cm Tae Parvit, Savage Garden 野人花園, October 10–November 11, 2019, 朋 丁 pon ding, Taipei, TW

Dusty & Sunset, 2019 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic and Charcoal on linen 100 x 160 x 3 cm

Boring People, 2019 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic and charcoal on linen 100 x 150 x 5 cm

Royal Rumble, 2020 ©️Tae Parvit Acrylic, charcoal and graphite on linen 40 x 70 x 5 cm

When I met Tae Parvit in Bangkok in September 2019, he said his next solo exhibition is in Taipei in November. I was so excited to know the venue is "pon ding", and the producer of it is a man I know. Of course, I flew to Taipei in November to see his show. Having an opportunity to introduce Tae Parvit in public in Japan was one of my dream. I am so pleased to show his works this time. And, my next dream is to have his solo exhibition at somewhere venue in Japan.

My special thanks:

Courtesy of the Artist and Bangkok CityCity Gallery


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